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Sheryl L. Glenn also known as Nubia, is Mother to two young adults and a Wife of 26 years. Raising a family while working within the technical side of the Television Broadcast industry Sheryl, diligently sought after the balance between our ever advancing technological world and the ancient wisdom of the ages. Particularly in the areas of health and wellness, Sheryl would always strive to seek a balance between modern day fast living and quiet moments for reflection and growth. In seeking to aspire higher in wellness and spirituality, Sheryl would do 21 day juice fasts while continuing to work the long and unusual hours that her job demanded.  

Sheryl’s passions for more natural living and holistic wellness stem from her parents. Her Mom being an avid reader and lifetime learner, as well as her Step Father who was an intellectual and health enthusiast. She tells of him being so health aware that he insisted on the family eating whole grains, abstaining from pork and white sugar as well as reading labels to avoid artificial flavors and colors. Behaviors which were very atypical of Brooklyn families in New York of the 1970’s. In the Brownstone where she was raised, her Nana would take all the grandchildren to church on Sundays. After which she would purify the entire house using prayers, holy water, and spiritual incenses. This laid strong foundations in Spirituality in Sheryl. As she continued to grow, a curious, investigative mind spurred Sheryl to explore these avenues further. 

On a trip to Trinidad for Carnival, Sheryl had become rather ill with Strep Throat. Miraculously she was cured completely in a couple of days with only herbs and tree barks made into tea by the wonderful Elder Matron of the home that she stayed in. Having had Strep a few times before,  she realized that the usual antibiotics regimen took far longer to heal her body. Thus began her search to discover more of what herbs could do. Shortly after returning to New York she began visiting places which would change her life such as Dr. George Love's offices for acupuncture and Heal Thyself, a Wellness Temple in Brooklyn. That experience only opened her up to further exploring and eventually studying healing with herbs and other natural healing modalities as well as going deeper in spirituality. The rest is history. 

Sheryl seeks to support her clients to strike a balance between today and yesterday by offering services which support you to: be more holistic in supporting your personal wellness, take more moments for yourself, relax and unwind, go deep within to heal and to connect with Source.  In Your Bliss Zone the following services are offered: Reiki, Ionizing Foot Bath with VitaFlex Massage, Raindrop Treatment, Aromatherapy Wellness Spa, and 5 Body Part Evaluation.


Of the products offered the featured product is:  
The  B l i s s  B o x  a  box of tools to help to support you in activating your Inner Life by relaxing, unwinding, balancing the chakras and connecting with The Most High.


There is great need to balance the usage of the cellular devices --and all the technological devices that we cannot do without, with detoxing the mind and the cells of our body-- that we cannot live without. In Your Bliss Zone, Sheryl encourages activating your Inner life, making a connection to The Most High, elevating to your Higher Self and becoming more You. 

Services in Your Bliss Zone are offered in person and a few via Skype.

The  B l i s s  B o x  is a tool set for you to continue your work at home. 

​© 2023 by Your Bliss Zone

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